Dwight D. Eisenhower’s “Military Industrial Complex” Farewell Address
Here’s another stark warning given to the American people by Dwight D. Eisenhower in his farewell address before he handed the U.S. Presidency over to
John F. Kennedy, who subsequently gave an equally chilling speech of his own on the infiltration of
secret societies into government and society. Two U.S. presidents in a row warned the American people about secret powers trying to take over the country and the world. And here we are in 2012 faced with that reality.
Folks, I urge you all to take it upon yourselves to teach yourselves the tools of learning and then study and understand history and what people like Kennedy and Eisenhower were talking about, then compare those warnings with todays reality.
Here are the main points of Eisenhower’s farewell address and warnings:
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John F. Kennedy’s Speech on Secret Societies
While researching for a book I’m writing, I ran across a transcript of the speech John F. Kennedy gave before the American Newspaper Publishers Association at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961 just a few weeks before he was assassinated. I already posted a
video of Kennedy’s speech here, but I think it’s important to highlight what he says again, especially given the current state of the media and public denials that any sort of coverups are going on, when we’re uncovering government secrets almost daily now.
But what’s most important for people, especially Americans to understand is that more than 50 years ago we were all warned by some of the most powerful people on the planet that a group of people were trying to pull the strings of governments and societies behind the scenes. For those of you who don’t think secret societies have any power or that the media is there to inform us, just look at how the press has kept think-tanks like the Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove off the pages of their newspapers and TV screens, and when called out, they say it’s just a bunch of rich no-names having fun.
But here’s a stark message to all of you who take what the mainstream press says as the undisputed truth. When the shit hits the fan, don’t say you weren’t warned:
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The following document was first published at the Tragedy and Hope blog.
Here’s an interesting quote:
As an added bounus, this is a serene pursuit. Because this is a method dedicated to the “how” of thinking, it is not controversial. It is in the topics of “what” to think – religion, literature, philosophy and modern science – where controversy reigns.
The problem is, “General Education” has not been the focus of the contemporary schooling establishment but, rather, social engineering… it is a vile and protracted form of mis-education.
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Amish Is The Fastest Growing Religion In The U.S.
When I read the following article over at ScienceDaily.com I nearly fell off my chair. Why? Not because I follow religion in any way, but because the Amish practice a culture of self-sufficiency, something every other culture in North America is increasingly moving away from these days.
What other group is actively teaching self-sufficiency and self reliance as the foundation of their culture and spiritual beliefs? I have a feeling they will be the ones least affected in times of disaster or martial law, or a zombie apocalypse. We might do well to not look at them as a fringe group and more as people we can learn from.
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Paul’s Picks: Bird Flu, Bank Crimes, Big Pharma & Non Linear Time
Long, long ago, I would post a few interesting links here on the blog on the days when I didn’t have time to write a full-blown article.
There is a lot of good info being published out there in the alternative news space these days and not everyone is following it all or seeing the top articles. So, rather than listen to crickets chirping around here while I’m off working on top secret projects, I’ll give the links roundup thing another try.
Last fall, 162 harbor seal pups mysteriously washed up dead on the shores of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Puzzled, scientists conducted autopsies on five of the animals, which suggested that a respiratory infection had killed them.
Samples of the seals’ tissue were then analyzed further and a common virus was discovered: a new strain of influenza that appeared to have evolved from H3N8, a bird flu virus first isolated in North American ducks in 2002.
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Who’s Winning the War On You?
I keeping writing posts here and while they’re still a work in progress, I read something someone else just published that says exactly what I am struggling to say.
While I used to think this was annoying, I’ve come to the realization lately that this phenomenon is part of something bigger – it’s part of a general overall awakening that’s happening – the world is waking up and beginning to see the bars of the cells that have been holding them captive for so long.
Anyway, this is one of those times that I scrapped a post in favor of a better written one saying exactly what I was about to. Here’s an excerpt from an article on ZenGardner.com entitled: Who’s Winning the War On You? The author thinks so much like me it’s astonishing.
Read up, then click the link below the excerpt for more:
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The following is an excerpt from a Cryptome.org posting entitled: Censored Slashdot Post, where a long-time Slashdot.org contributor tried to… well, I’ll let him explain it in his own words:
A few days ago I tried to post an interesting story to Slashdot called “The Gentleperson’s Guide To Forum Spies”. The article was written by an ex-COINTELPRO spy, and describes in explicit detail how agents control and manipulate Internet forums. So, I tried to post this story and discovered that each time I posted it some Slashdot editor would quickly (within 3 minutes) delete the story before it came to the atention of other editors or readers. Someone on the Slashdot editorial board does NOT want Slashdot readership to learn the techniques used to control an internet forum. Note that these techniques only work so long as the readership remains IGNORANT of how they work. A little forensic investigation by someone with DB access will even show which editor(s) repeatedly deleted this story on 18 July 2012. Honest editors are smart enough to figure out what to about COINTELPRO infiltrator editors. Given that I have a natural dislike of censorship, I’m trying a different tactic to expose my fellow Slashdot readers to this censored content.
The story he’s talking about is this one, entitled: The Gentleperson’s Guide To Forum Spies, and since the article is amazing, I’ll post an excerpt:
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NYT Admits Mainstream Media Is Orwellian Ministry Of Truth-Style Propaganda Machine
Conspiracy theory? I think not, especially now that the New York Times has admitted most mainstream media outlets voluntarily get approval and heavily edited quotes from the Whitehouse before publishing them. In his article entitled “
Latest Word on the Trail? I Take It Back“, NYT journalist Jeremy W. Peters writes:
They are sent by e-mail from the Obama headquarters in Chicago to reporters who have interviewed campaign officials under one major condition: the press office has veto power over what statements can be quoted and attributed by name.
Most reporters, desperate to pick the brains of the president’s top strategists, grudgingly agree. After the interviews, they review their notes, check their tape recorders and send in the juiciest sound bites for review.
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Alternate Perspectives: Was Batman Shooter James Holmes A Mind Control Victim?
While I don’t agree with everything the author of the
VigilantCitizen.com blog writes, it’s still one of my favorite reads, because it encourages me to think in a way that’s totally outside how I used to view the world before.
This world we live in has many facets. What we see on TV and read in newspapers or online news sites is usually written from the perspective of a single viewpoint. If you’re into sports or gaming, you see the world from a viewpoint influenced by that. If you’re a Police officer, a Government official or are in the military, or if you associate yourself with a particular political party, you see the world from those viewpoints. But if we choose to only see things through those little holes in the boxes we’ve trapped ourselves in, we are not getting the bigger picture.
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I was going to write a lengthy post as a followup to yesterday’s Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting A False Flag but it has already been articulated better than I ever could have by Mike Adams over at NaturalNews.com. Below is an excerpt from Mike’s article. You can read the rest of his article at the link below the excerpt.
James Holmes was clearly provided with exotic gear
“He said pictures from inside the apartment are fairly disturbing and the devices look to be sophisticated, adding the booby-traps were ‘something I’ve never seen.’ One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes’ car, a law enforcement source told CBS News. Oates said Holmes wore a gas mask, a ballistic helmet and vest as well as leg, groin and throat protectors during the shooting.”
In other words, this guy was equipped with exotic gear by someone with connections to military equipment. SWAT clothing, explosives, complex booby-traps… c’mon, this isn’t a “lone gunman.” This is somebody who was selected for a mission, given equipment to carry it out, then somehow brainwashed into getting it done.
“Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Holmes’ apartment is booby-trapped with a ‘sophisticated’ maze of flammable devices. It could take hours or days for authorities to disarm it,” reports Yahoo News (http://sg.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/suspect-neuroscience-phd-stu…).
This is not your run-of-the-mill crime of passion. It was a carefully planned, heavily funded and technically advanced attack. Who might be behind all this? The FBI, of course, which has a long history of setting up and staging similar attacks, then stopping them right before they happen. See four documented stories on these facts:
Read the rest of the article entitled: Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged at NaturalNews.com