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My Message To The Freeman/Sovereign Movement

My Message To The Freeman/Sovereign MovementI consider myself to be a free man, but I am not a part of the freeman movement or any other group. I do things on my own with information I find or that has been shared with me. But I act with autonomy in what I do for the following reasons.

As you know, the freeman and sovereign movements have been demonized by governments and law enforcement as being terrorists, radicals, fundamentalists, etc. Here in Canada police have publically stated they think freemen are a cult, amongst other things.

When a number of individuals coalese themselves into a group that works together and names themselves, they can easily be demonized and the group eliminated because of the affiliation, especially if that group practices a religion based on the occult or members of that group are wanted on international arrest warrants.

The answer is for everyone to act independently and claim their freedom from everything. Think about it – the name that’s been attached to you is used to take away your freedoms. The name of any organized group as well as any other name you attach to yourself can be used to do the same.

Share information, but act autonomously, or better yet, don’t act at all. Don’t take part in anything used to enslave you. See the following video for a clear picture.

By Paul Short on 21/03/2013

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