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Disinformation Agents Are Real & Here’s Their Modus Operandi

Disinformation Agents Are Real & Here's Their Modus OperandiTo anyone who frequents online forums, especially ones covering the topics of conspiracy, freedom, government corruption, etc., disinformation agents have long been a fact. And this type of subversion is not limited to just forums, but blog comments, social media like Facebook and Twitter or anywhere where people can post within an online conversation.

But for those of you who still think disinfo agents don’t exist or that anyone who believes they do are conspiracy theory nutjobs, take a look at what was uncovered recently by a member of Jim Stone’s forum:

From JimStoneFreelance.com:

UPDATE:Forum member Deeze delivered a bombshell!

A shill slipped up on Godlikeproductions, and accidentally pasted this into a comment and posted it! GLP staff was quick to remove it, but NOT QUICK ENOUGH. I saw this thread myself, but not this mistake. GOOD ONE DEEZE, and proof that I am right about what is happening there. This would be a symptom of an overworked staff dropping the ball, a staff stressed out by having to shill 85 forums at once:

Re: Medical Type Says Sandy Hook is Total Bull#
[0x1a970000, 0x1ab00000, 0x27570000>
[rdpclip.exe, "iostatZd15.1"]
you copied a large amount of data onto the clipboard …Do you want to save this data on the clipboard?
User ID: 35850666 Korea
User ID: 36689081 Korea
User ID: 33951304 Kazak
User ID: 36809983 Kazak
N.C.S. logo.jpg
Sensitivity Level
Action Code
Team 5.A/
Location of official Agency folder
Team Contact
Sheila N******
Do any of the respondents display the urge to supply information that could be helpful to your mission?

Do the respondents appear hostile to your attempts to steer the discussion?

Have you made a personal chart taking care to note who appear to be the “leaders” versus who appear to be the “followers”?

Have you attempted to gauge the “temperature” of the forum’s users?

In other words, the prevailing social psychology of the forum’s members?

Have you been more successful with one or the other XStart methods that were demonstrated in N-7015A.DOC?

Have more technical members (Computer Programmers, Administrators, or Moderators) of the forum deduced or accused you of hiding behind a proxy?

Would you gain more trust and/or credibility if you were to use one of the Agency’s allotted “HOME” pools? (most often needed when handling EVTS that are more sensitive to the pop. of a specific locale but also location centered web sites such as FB or Patch)

Has your PREDEV “persona” been successful or do you gauge that the users find you to be too obtrusive? Accusations of being “ever present” are

Here’s a link with a more in-depth analysis of the the above: Forum Shill gets Busted: ATS and GLP Censor to Cover his Tracks

And check out the following links on how disinformation works:

Ex Troll Speaks Out: I Was A Paid Internet Shill

The 15 Rules Of Internet Disinformation

25 Rules Of Internet Disinformation

Disinformation: How It Works

Analysis Of A Disinformation Agent

8 Traits Of The Disinformationalist

Still on the fence? Here’s how people are being trained to edit information on sites like Wikipedia to make certain groups appear more favorable:

By Paul Short on 29/03/2013

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