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I’m Calling It Right Now – Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting A False Flag

This Aurora Colorado theatre shooting has all the earmarks of a false flag attack that was done to justify pushing through the UN Small Arms Treaty in the U.S., plus other things like heightened security at movie theatres and other venues, etc.

I say this because the event itself, as well as the media buzz is too scripted – a gunman wearing a gasmask, body armor and carrying a rifle, handgun and teargas or smoke bomb – walks into a movie theatre undetected and deploys the gas then opens fire at a point during the movie when there’s a shooting scene happening on the big screen.

Then it takes the mainstream media a few hours to even start reporting on the story. But when they do finally report on it, all outlets go full-bore playing the same details of the story repetitively and relentlessly, as if they had waited to plan the story and get the go-ahead early in the morning when the most people would be watching the morning news, the drive-time radio coverage in their cars as they’re driving to work, etc. It all started getting coverage early in the morning Eastern Standard Time so that as the rest of the U.S. wakes up it’s the dominant story that sets the stage for everyone’s day. Too perfect.

Then there’s the fact that with this story dominating the media and thus dominating the minds of the masses, there are things happening elsewhere in the world that are not being reported at all. So the public’s attention is now diverted away from other important issues.

Again, too perfect.

I’m calling it – This is a false flag of some sort. There will be a bigger event happen somewhere in the world today, July 20 or in the coming days that will not get the airtime it deserves… something huge.

Below is a screenshot of my twitter page. The first tweet (at the bottom) was made at approx. 7:45am EST on July 20, 2012 after I realized that the media reporting of this shooting didn’t start until early morning rather than immediately after the event itself.

I’m sure I’ll have more to talk about later because I’ll be following everything I can find about this event as it unfolds over time.

Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting False Flag

By Paul Short on 20/07/2012

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54 Responses to “I’m Calling It Right Now – Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting A False Flag”

  1. juanita k says:

    Don’t forget Bo’s speaking in FLA today …

  2. vladdy says:

    I immediately thought the same thing. Then I heard that the obamas put out a statement. Since he always ignores shootings and other tragedies till he’s forced to comment, it didn’t ring true. Now I hear he’s cancelling all campaign events for today. C’mon, nothing stops a campaign event for obama. Now Romney’s cancelling all his ads in CO today. And since I read on here about the media holding the story till drive-time….(Just read a day or two ago in White House Insider that it was coming).

    • Paul Short says:

      You read on White House Insider that something was coming? That’s interesting, indeed. And the candidates are cancelling everything so as not to provide any distractions from the shooting news. Very astute observations, Vlad :)

    • dat dude says:

      Remember when Gabrielle Giffords got shot along with many other people and fox news said the issue was free speech and in appropriateness with regard to the cross-hairs on democrat controlled districts? Or the statue of liberty flyover incident, when Obama was critical of how it was handled, republics responded, by saying he did that cause he was embarrassed, that incident caused panic and they said that. They are hyper-critical of everything he does no matter what it is. You can have Romney if you get him but be careful what you wish for, but then maybe your already rich.

  3. Michael says:

    You make me want to throw up. Your just as insane as the man that committed this deplorable act. No one gives a crap about some U.N. Small Arms treaty. And who cares if you have to register your firearm? If you have nothing to hide, then you should have no problem registering your firearm. Theres always “something coming.” Terrorism is never-ending, because there will always be people who go to extremes. Just like you have here.

    • Paul Short says:

      Hi Michael, I’ve been waiting for you :)

      Everyone, Michael’s comment is what is known as an ad hominem attack. It’s a logical fallacy where a person attacks the man and not his message in an effort to discredit a man so his message is looked upon as not being credible as well.

      This is a classic tactic used by propagandists to divert attention away from the real details of an issue so they go unnoticed. See my post called 25 ways disinfo agents suppress the truth for more on how these tactics work.

      Also notice how well written Michael’s comment is. He’s not some kid spouting hate online, he’s articulate and very specific in his attack and support of the idea that terrorism is an ongoing thing, etc. It’s too scripted, just like the circumstances surrounding the Aurora shooting. Too staged and well planned.

      • Marc says:

        Paul – you are a great guy. I am really glad to have read your words. I thought exactly the same thing about the shooting and reading your reaction to michaels comment really made my smile. Congrats on this great post and the logical thinking! I will read you in the future.

    • Paul Short says:

      It’s also very interesting when you lookup the longitude and latitude of the IP address Michael made his comment from – a government building. Nice, proof of gov. suppression of alternative viewpoints right here on my blog. I love it when it’s this obvious.

    • BIGGIE says:

      To all the people (ESPECIALLY the sheepman “micheal” above who should be done throwing up by now) who don’t care about the UN treaty (attack on the 2nd ammendment) or false flag attacks (aurora shooting) I hope you enjoy the cattle car on your way to take a shower in zyklon B at the FEMA camps…

  4. thrash8315 says:

    After reading this, I have to ask: Do you not have any decency, sir?

    • Paul Short says:

      Another one trying to divert attention away from the issues I brought up in the post by focusing on me and not whether my points are valid or not. IP lookup says the above was made from a gov building as well. More proof that what I wrote could have some validity. When gov tries to suppress using personal attacks, you know what you wrote hits too close to the truth. Remember that, folks.

  5. tibby trillz says:

    people are making personal attacks because you are clearly a crazy person

    • Paul Short says:

      And I guess i’m crazy for checking the IP address the comments come from, use an app to match that IP to GPS coordinates, pop those into google earth and the marker ends up on the roof of a government building? Yes, I’m a crazy person with technology that proves why the comments are attacking me.

      I wouldn’t be getting attacked if I was crazy enough to go along with the status quo.

      • Mot says:

        Your right on the money Paul. Let the Sheeple be sheeple. These will be the ones that go to the Fema camps when martial law happens here and they need food and water. Then of course that is when they get gassed.

        • Paul Short says:

          All I know is that my radar went off as soon as I saw how this unfolded in the news earlier. It was, and still is, too scripted. And the fact that at least two people have attaccked me here while posting from IP addys at government buildings is strengthening my feeling that my post is too close to the truth for their comfort, so they’re trying to discredit using classic tactics.

          Thanks for commenting.

  6. tibby trillz says:

    i am not in a government building you maniac. and yes, you are crazy, im guessing meth psychosis.

    • Paul Short says:

      Nice. So you’re just a troll. And read my reply – I didn’t say YOU were in a government building.

      And do you have anything intelligent to say about the post or did you just comment here to accuse someone you don’t even know of being a mentally unstable drug user?

      • tibby trillz says:

        nice. so you are using a tragedy as an excuse to hopefully say “i told you so!” in the future. let me ask you something, lets say there was indisputable evidence out there that all the things you believed were untrue and only you were in possession of this knowledge, could you honestly give up the attention you get from the people who follow your blog? at a certain point, im not sure that any of the people who put forth conspiracy theories have a truly unbiased opinion, in fact, i think that you are just as unreliable as the mainstream media because you are influenced by the attention you receive to put forth more and more insane theories and you will never risk losing the small empire of followers you have by disproving any of these theories or at least looking at them in an unbiased way. and i think that if you did back away from the conspiracy theories you put forth, your followers will assume you have been compromised by the CIA or something along those lines. i can hear some conspiracy theories and think “yeh, hey, that might be true” but i always keep in mind that there is a good chance it isnt but what you wrote today, i mean, why would you exploit this tragedy? you have presented zero evidence of anything and wrote about something that is a pretty serious tragedy. what makes you better or more enlightenned than say rush limbaugh, or louie gohmert right now?

        • tibby trillz says:

          and btw, have you ever met a crazy person? i have. they exist. they act in irrational ways. its really not a big leap to think that maybe this guy was insane, its actually easier and more plausible to draw that conclusion than the one you are drawing. do you even understand how many people would have to be a part of the conspiracy you are outlining? thousands if not tens of thousands. all these people not reporting the story til rush hour so they can be a part of some nwo order plot to distract attention away from the un small arms treaty. guess what? if there were that many people involved, they wouldnt report that story anyway! they wouldnt need a smoke screen!

          • rix says:

            So, in your world, psyops don’t exist; the cia doesn’t exist, and nobody in the ever expanding security state does anything expect appear on Jay Leno and pretend to be sad after synthetic terror attacks?

            Yes—crazy people exist. Psychopaths exist. Most of them work in government. The dumb ones are used to shoot up movie theaters; the smarter ones are used to shoot up Africans with deadly vaccines. But you’re a zombie. You believe official stories and are unable to judge things for yourself. All the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in the world couldn’t bring a zombie back to life.

            • tibby trillz says:

              and you blindly accept any theory some random person on the internet tells you so whos the zombie here?

          • Josh says:

            And would it be a big leap to assume Main stream media is not giving you all the facts, like how one man in a gas mask and a dark theater was able to stroll up and down the isle and hit 70 people unchecked? why the cops were quick to make it clear this was “NOT” a terrorist attack? 10 years ago when they were trying to pass the Patriot act, Homeland Security, TSA, etc etc etc etc, when terrorism was the boogieman buzzword, this would have been dubbed a terrorist attack. you think Mr. Short is the only one looking at this story with a hint of doubt? this was all too perfect. although I don’t think it’s to distract us from anything. I think it was a simple false flag trigger for the anti-gun marks to have a case to present to the UN next week. to disarm Americans, and to ultimately build the mighty police state Lord Obama wants so bad.

          • Paul Short says:

            I didn’t say it was orchestrated to draw attention away from the small arms treaty. I said the opposite, that it would be used to justify pushing through the small arms treaty.

            “This Aurora Colorado theatre shooting has all the earmarks of a false flag attack that was done to justify pushing through the UN Small Arms Treaty in the U.S., plus other things like heightened security at movie theatres and other venues, etc.”

            I’ve met crazy people who act in irrational ways. I’m not one of them, although my ex wife would disagree with me on that ;)

            Look, have you ever heard of the big lie, also called the noble lie? It’s a lie told by people in positions of power and that lie is so huge no one believes it’s a lie. Leaders have been using that tactic for thousands of years and they’re using it to this day. I understand it’s inconceivable for most people to draw the conclusions I drew, but they’re possible and plausible.

            Read the news and you’ll see some of the things I mentioned in my post already happening. AMC is banning masks and costumes in their theatres in Chicago already. People on twitter with brand new accounts set up yesterday are calling for the TSA to start checking people entering theatres and those tweets are miraculously being shared by thousands of others. Jeez, I’d like to know how that happens.

            The fact is, you can call me crazy all you want. You can call me a conspiracy theorist all you want too, but that doesn’t mean what I post is factually wrong.

            This Denver incident is getting too much news. Yes, it is a tragedy, a dozen men women and even some children killed senslessly and dozens more injured. I can only imagine what those families and friends are going through. I’m sad for their loss, and horrified that those lives may have been lost in connection with an agenda that has been getting more clear every day. You just have to open your eyes and ask “what if” and go from there to see it.

          • Aussie Ash says:

            I suppose you are one of many people in the USA who still believe 911 was done by middle eastern terrorists? Here in Australia the majority of people know the 911 attacks were planned by the financial élites, there is to much evidence that proves it. Just look at the Pentagon and Pennsylvania planes, (or lack of ), bodies, black boxes, wreckage and security camera footage. The (if you want to call them NWO, i like to call them by there real names like the Rothschild’s for one) NWO would have no problem setting something this this up, hell they can fool the whole world about 911, this would be a walk in the park. I’m not saying this shooting is a conspiracy, is very sad for the victims and their families and I can’t see what the NWO would get out of it unless they want to disarm the population like they did here in Australia after the Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania, but please educate yourself as to what they are capable of doing and have done in the past. If you understand how many people would have to be a part of a conspiracy then gain some real knowledge because the evidence is out there, just not on main stream media who are owned by the financial elites? Your quote “all these people not reporting the story till rush hour so they can be a part of some nwo order plot”. I could give you lots of scientific evidence to prove 911 was a farce but i will let you find out on your own. I will just say this, It is a known fact that some live TV news reports on 911 reported a 2nd plane hitting the tower before it did. If you haven’t already watch “loose change”, Zietgeist, Thrive, there are plenty more, find out for yourself but beware once you do, there is no going back, sometimes ignorance is Bliss.

        • Paul Short says:

          Ok, that’s better. Now you’re bringing up real issues with my post.

          I don’t have a small empire here. This blog only got about 200 visitors a month until I started posting more a few weeks ago.

          I don’t think I’m more enlightened or credible than anyone. I post about things I learn that anyone else can learn. As for being biased, I’m anti-corruption, anti-war and anti-propaganda, so I look at things from that perspective.

          I don’t want to say “I told you so.” I wrote what I wrote because I call things as I see them after studying trends in the media for years. The media is very predictable when it comes to latching onto tragedy and running with it. This Denver scenario and the media followup is textbook when you’ve watched it as long as I have.

          • tibby trillz says:

            the reliability of the major media outlets to latch onto tragedy and beat stories to death is probably equally matched by the public’s desire to watch them do this. today, i was working, going back and forth to a job and i had on npr, i was sitting in traffic hearing about the higgs boson particle and wondering to myself “why in the hale are they not taliing about what just happenned in denver?” when i got to the place i was working at i turned on cnn. boom. instant update about what was going on. you watch major news channels because you are trying to hear the most up to date version of the story and yes, they are hardly reliable at presenting the most accurate info but really, who succeeds totally at this? i look at major news networks the same way as i look at the weather channel. its designed to give you the headline news stories in a short amount of time and it repeats the news cycle over and over all day because it is designed to be watched in short intervals. and also, i understand peoples frustrations with under reporting world news and over reporting celebrity stories and the like, but if they didnt have such a willing audience that was hungry for news stories like that, they wouldnt succeed in running a business that is reliant upon advertising dollars. the general public is more to blame for this style of reporting than the NWO or shape shifting reptoids or whatever else you want to blame it on.

            • Paul Short says:

              I see exactly what you’re saying about the media, but you’re getting into circular argument theory here – does the media report this way to get the public to keep watching, or does the public demand this type of reporting?

              And trying to connect me with NWO stuff and reptoids is just disingenuous. Please stop.

              • tibby trillz says:

                see tmz, yes, the public demands this type of reporting. i dont care for it but i dont think it is part of a large concerted effort to confuse the public.

                • Paul Short says:

                  Tibby, I’m not saying that the whole of the media uses this type of reporting as a constant distraction in a concerted effort to confuse the public. But the fact that the media is the way it is, and the readers and viewers are the way they are, they’re primed for it. It can be, and in this case it is being used for a purpose – to get the American people scared of guns a week before this UN gun treaty is pushed through so it meets less resistence from the general public. Also, it demonizes gun owners so when they get all Charlton Heston over the treaty the general public will automatically associate them with guys who shoot up kids in theatres because it’s at the top of their mind now. Most members of the general public don’t have the sense to separate the two.

                  And people and businesses are already crying for more security and TSA in theatres, something else that will slide through in the wake of this event. The media is an effective tool for pushing agendas BECAUSE the public is so used to this relentless reporting they crave so much. It’s all in the conditioning.

                  This isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s common sense. It was too obvious for me to ignore so I posted about it.

  7. Noel says:

    I read an account from an alaska paper of a militia leader saying a hit team from a base in aroura colo. was after him. Is there some thing going on in aroura. A phd student. Something is fishy.

    • Paul Short says:

      I’m going to wait til tomorrow morning to gather up material for another post about this. There’s too much rumor going around right now to get a grip on what direction to take.

  8. Paul Short says:

    I just added 3 more levels to the threaded replies so they show up in the proper order. The deeper replies will be getting kinda narrow, but they are still readable.

    Edit: Ok, the threading for comments here is maxed out at 10 levels deep now. That’s all wordpress allows. I never thought my little blog would need that level of discussion but here it is. I guess it’s a good thing I designed the content column on the template to be nice and wide.

  9. Noel says:

    Talking to tibby is a waste of time. To deny its a conspiracy is to admit being brain dead. The lies and disinformation are so pervasive that there isn’t any thing else.

  10. syzygyz says:

    I agree, Paul. The logistics of this whole event are too coordinated. I feel something’s fishy here too. Perhaps, along with this pushing for the need for passage of the UN Small Arms Treaty, it also took all of our attention away from other critical happenings in the world today: Syria, Iran? The heat in the Middle East continues to intensify…

    Thanks for this post.

    • Paul Short says:

      The more I find out about this incident the more I know it’s staged. I’ll be posting again tomorrow with my thoughts on a few of the things I’ve found out.

      The details seem to be going in all directions right now so it’s hard to sort them out until they begin to converge at one point, if that makes any sense.

  11. Taylor says:

    I follow you on Twitter and was somewhat of a fan until I read this. You do not have any proof of what you are saying. Making empty accusations while 72 families are dealing with injuries and loss, is not what people need right now. You may be right. This may be some sort of government plot. And when it comes out, you’ll have the right to rub it in everyone else’s faces. But until then, don’t make this harder on those people with your conspiracies and “what if”s. I’m not trying to attack you in any way but this is a little much.

    • Paul Short says:

      Taylor, this incident is already being used in the way I mentioned in my post, just like 9/11 was used to bolster support for wars and the patriot act and the underwear bomber was used to bring in the TSA.

      I get what you’re saying about the victims of this horrible event and what they’re going through. Some of their loved ones are gone and others injured physically and mentally with scars that will never go away. I wish this event never happened.

      But I’m keeping my emotions out of this and concentrating on what I see. I’m keeping my eye on the ball while most other people are looking at the tragedy.

      And I didn’t post this so that I could rub it in people’s face later. I posted it as I see it – an emotionally charged public who is now scared enough to cry out for a higher power to protect them by tightening up gun laws and and having an army of potbellied thugs molesting them under the guise of feeling safer when they go to movies or other public places. It’s a certainty when the media hammers them relentlessly with horror, and highly suspect when it’s done just as a controversial new law is about to pass.

      Say what you want about me, but that’s happening right now. The proof is in the facts. There’s no denying it because it’s all over the news and social media.

  12. For those of you who are still asleep, and ignorant to what Paul is trying to get across…take 15 minutes of your time and watch the video I attached below. Use your own discernment but attempt to raise your awareness. Our planet Earth, is going through the greatest Mass Awakening she has ever experienced. Events such as these have a great tendency to spark the Awakening process in the masses. If this is a new concept to you, it’s okay. Welcome to your Awakening. There are too many people Awake and Aware at this point to turn around and continue in to self-destruct in these Dark Ages. Welcome to the Golden Age and Thank you Paul for looking at these traumatic, unforgivable events from a higher prospective. You are helping to speed up this entire Ascension process for Humanity. Love and Light


  13. Amie says:

    No, my cousin and I said the same thing, even before this happened. we can feel that something big is about to happen, like drums announcing a coming army, we feel it. and now that this has happened, look at all the other big things that happened, they were preceded by small shootings, bombings etc … its a pattern.. its time people woke up and saw it.

  14. truthbetold says:

    I love your criticial thinking mind. This to me has all the earmarks of the classic false flag. If he was a genuine psychopath, there would of been EVIDENCE of this beforehand, I know REALLY mentally ill people and they have a history OF GRADUAL VIOLENCE, by that I mean they don’t start violent behaviour by killing first. They tend to gradually build up to more and more violent behavior before reaching that point. Also, they receive the proper medical treatment before it gets to this point (just saying, don’t agree with psychotropic drugs). I can’t believe a man who grew up in an upper middle class environment would not of gotten this attention, and please people spare me the “his mother knew it was him” BS. We don’t know WHO these people are that they are saying is related to a man WHO NO ONE AT THE SHOOTING SAW HIS FACE, another excellent point Mr. Short makes, a person who booby traps HIS HOME, because he KNOWS the police will get to him eventually WOULD NOT BE SOMEONE WHO TELLS THE POLICE I HAVE BOOBY TRAPPED BY HOME. A person who can GUN DOWN people in a dark theatre like shooting rats in a barrel WOULD NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONES LIFE. A true psychopath WOULD NOT CARE to hide his identity, WHEN HE HAS PERFORMED PUBLIC SLAUGHTER at that scale.

    We are not talking about a hidden serial killer like Gacy or Bundy, we are talking about someone who is wearing hightech body armour and carrying specialized weaponry. Remember the shootings in Arizona, that psychopath SHOWED HIS FACE, as well as the infamous “trench coat” mafia. Those incidents may also may have been a false flag in the sense that he/they was/were programmed to do that, or they may have been genuienly psycho. In cases when the assailant(s) show there face(s) are instances when I feel they MAY be genuine psychos, but that is not 100%.

    This mystery murderer was quick, SILENT and methodical. All the markings of a TRAINED KILLER, CIA, MOSSAD, Special forces, so called Black Ops, who knows. But knowing the years of research I have put to “hidden” sciences like mind manupilation and the evidence of MK ULtra, I wouldn’t put it past our owners to create events to move the herd in any direction they please. I thank you Paul Short for even having the type of studious mind that can even entertain these ideas. Some of us are harder to control then others, who knows why. But you can’t fool all of the sheeple all of the time. Stay enlightened brother.

  15. Jay says:

    its odd how you bash everyone that objects to you as not given any proof however in your original post does give a LICK of proof

    you said ” all outlets go full-bore playing the same details of the story repetitively and relentlessly, as if they had waited hato plan the story and get the go”

    have you ever watched the news most channels broadcast a morning how a noon show and a late show and they ALL cover the SAME thing all day, the new is repetitive thats the point

    and lastly you accused two users of having an IP coming from a government building and once again you show no proof, (give us a screen shot or something) and in case in your next post you say I have a government Ip, i CHALLENGE you to take a screenshot of the info and ill take a screenshot of my actual IP…

    • Paul Short says:

      I’m not bashing everyone who doesn’t agree with me. I’m simply countering their points, exposing the fallacies and pointing out the errors in their logic. It’s called a debate, not bashing.

      The news is what it is, and because of the nature of it, it can also be used as a tool to hammer something home.

      And no, I’m not going to post screenshots of somebody’s exact location. No amount of goading will get me to give out the specific personal information of visitors to this blog.

  16. Bryan says:

    The false flag operation here(Aurora, CO) is directing attention away from the Sheriff Joe investigation into the Obama birth certificate forgery. Just like last year when the heat was being turned up in the last week of April on Obama’s just released long form birth certificate not passing muster and they trot out the killing of Bin Laden to divert attention. SEALs died in August 2011 because they knew that Geronimo was not Osama, far from the story being fed to Americans. Also, the timing of last night’s tragedy plays right into the fear mongering that will enter into the UN gun grab vote coming up. Wake up America! Globalized tyranny is fast approaching.

  17. Doubter says:

    I think you are onto something here. This whole affair has a real stink to it. I sort of doubt it has much to do with the small arms treaty or the 2nd amendment, rather I think it has to do with DHS continuing to tighten it stranglehold on the country.

    Another possibility is that it was suppose to be a fake fbi staged attack that they would bust in a nick of time, however the gunman surprised them and moved early.

    Damned if I know who was behind this or why, but keep digging, I think we are onto something.

  18. [...] was going to write a lengthy post as a followup to yesterday’s Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting A False Flag but it has already been articulated better than I ever could have by Mike Adams over at [...]

  19. Terri says:

    I’m Calling It Right Now – A lunatic that listens to Rush Limbaugh and is afraid of the mythical communist, socialist, baby killing, evil, liberals got a hold of way too much fire power and killed a bunch of kids.

  20. Noel says:

    Morgan Freeman of batman gave obama a million dollar donation yesterday for reelection. Probably to use to publicize this very incident. If you want to see the future of america read the Turner Diaries. We are almost to page one.

  21. Noel says:

    I make my own theories and I don’t argue with government provocateurs.

  22. Paul Short says:

    I’ve deleted a couple comments here that were just flat-out attacks with no other substance.

    Everyone, the english language is robust enough to express yourselves without having to resort to petty name-calling and cursing at people. This isn’t 4chan or some free-for-all bash forum. It’s my home on the web and if you can’t act respectful to others in my home, you get a one-way trip out the door.

  23. Jay says:

    I have a question for the blog owner and everyone that agrees with his viewpoint.

    So say that you are all right lets say that there are people that want too and will take over the world, takes away our freedoms, say for instance they do actually pull off what you guys claim what is going to happen in this country

    What will you do? you finally say to the rest of us I TOLD YOU SO, however were under marital law, what would or could you do to change the problem?

  24. Courtney says:

    As soon as I heard about this tragedy, it just didn’t feel right to me. A guy shielded with a gasmask and protective gear bursts into a theater a few miles from Columbine and attacks with military-style, tactical precision, one week before the UN Small Arms Treaty? I’m not saying that it couldn’t happen like that, maybe it did, just some pyscho on a rampage, but because of the timing and the style of the attack, it just feels off to me, very MK-Ultra, psyop. I just published a novel that centers around a massacre and deals with exactly this scenario, so I researched this and it’s very scary. I wish I could cease my cynicism, but it’s hard to do that when you see how horrible events are used to strip away our freedoms and stomp on our Constitution.