Here’s How Governments Legally Steal Babies
Ever wonder what gives a government agency the right to take children from their parents, even though the child hasn’t really been mistreated? What gives them the right to vaccinate or force-medicate kids without parental consent? Or what gives them to right to tell you how to raise your child or force them to go to state-run schools?
Well, the real answer to those questions is – you do. But before we get into the nitty gritty, I’ll say this:
The following is not legal or medical advice. It’s something I learned and decided to share.
So now that that’s out of the way, lets get to the good stuff…
So mum-to-be is in labour. The glorious moment is close at hand so she is rushed to the maternity ward at a hospital, the baby is born and in a day or two mom and her new bundle of joy is discharged from the hospital with a few forms to fill out and send in to apply for a birth certificate. It all seems fine and dandy on the surface, but what goes on in the legal processes beneath the surface is an entirely different story.
In most countries where hospitals are state-run — or medical staff, midwives, medics, etc. are state-licensed — when a pregnant woman goes to them for help in giving birth to her baby, she falls under the states legal jurisdiction. She is entering into a contract, applying for, and submitting both herself and her unborn baby to their care, automatically becoming temporary wards of the state. Once the child is born and it is determined that both are healthy enough to go home, both mother and child are discharged with the mother being appointed by the state as the child’s legal guardian.
So lets look up and/or link to the legal definitions of some of the words above and what those definitions really mean.
When you apply for anything from the government, you automatically fall under their “legal jurisdiction” which simply means you’re bound by their interpertations and definitions of the words in their legislation, and you have given them the power to force you to comply or punish you for not complying – it’s called enforcement.
When the mom-to-be walks into the hospital or calls a doctor, ambulance, midwife, etc. to assist in the birth, she is applying to them. To “apply” means “To submit oneself as a candidate for” or to beg. So she is submitting herself to them. And the word “submit” is derived from the Latin word submittō which means to “place under, or yield. In doing so, her and her unborn child become “wards” of the state, under their care and guardianship, and bound by their legal jurisdiction.
A fit mother has a duty to care for her child until the child is old enough to take care of themselves. As a temporary ward of the state, it is presumed that the mother needing care no longer has the capacity for rights and duties, so since a child needs care until they are old enough to care for themsleves, the state takes over the rights and duties of the mother.
When the state or state licensed care provider deems the mother and child to be healthy and able to leave, they are both discharged from care and the state appoints the mother as temporary guardian of their ward, the child. However, the state doesn’t give up their rights to the child like the mother did. At any time between when the mother submitted to the state and when the child turns 18 and becomes an adult, the state can order their appointed guardian, the mother, to do what they want (spelled out in acts, statutes, bylaws, conditions, etc.).
Also, since they have ultimate rights to the child who is still their ward, they don’t need the permission of the guardian to care for the child how they see fit. And if the guardian that they appointed doesn’t do what they say, they can remove guardianship from the mother and appoint themselves or someone else – like someone at a foster home – as the legal guardian of the child.
The above is quite complicated but the ghist of it is this – When you asked for and accepted help from the state, they presumed you thought you were unfit to care for yourself and gave up both your own rights and your rights to the child. Then they kept the rights to the child and appointed you the guardian of their rightful property.
The state’s legal jurisdiction works on the basis of presumption and consent. They presume you know exactly what you’re getting into when you beg them for help, as well as all the nuances and implications involved.
Is it legal for them to do this sort of thing? Yes, as long as they stay within the boundaries of their own definitions and interpertations of the language they’re governed by. What they are doing may or may not be lawful, though, and that’s a story for many more posts to come.
By Paul Short on 10/07/2012
Well done.
BTW, saw this on Alex Jones’ site. You should keep posting there too.
Thanks brad!
So, wanna tell us how not to give our kids to the state?
I’m still doing my research on that and will be posting about it in a week or so. I want to be as accurate as possible so people don’t get the wrong info.
Every interaction with the ‘government’ is a commercial act. The certificates issued for the ‘event’ of birth are specific instruments under UCC-9. If you feel that the State is causing you problems with the bringing up of your child, then fill out a UCC-1 financing statement and claim the child’s BC and SS# (if you applied for one for your child….i hope not), and file it in the birth state. Now you will be the secured party to that ‘vessel’. The name on the BC is owned by the State, as it is part of the cestui que vie trust and is the vessel used in the public for creating public debt via federal reserve notes. NEVER EVER EVER claim to BE that name or OWN that name, because if you do, you have just claimed to be trustee de son tort, a tortfeasor, and liable for taxation and such.
Is close in his assessment, this is all about political jurisdiction. This is all about making the u s government follow its own rules. Specifically the 13th and 14 amendments to their rule book, the constitution. It seems most people in the patriot movement believe the indoctrination that they are born citizens. The 13th and 14th amendments are very simple, the 13th forbids involuntary servitude. The 14th requires two specific things to take place for you to be a citizen of the united states. First you must be born or naturalized on the land mass known as the united states and second you must be subject to the jurisdiction the united states government. I believe we all agree that being subject to the jurisdiction of the u s government is servitude which is forbidden in the 13th amendment, unless you volunteer. Children are born sovereign and remain sovereign until they are mature enough to volunteer for citizenship. Citizenship in the united states is nothing more that joining a club, if you join you must follow the rules of the club. Just because you were born at a boy a scout meeting does not make you a boy scout. If you were not born a u s citizen how do they have authority over you? It’s our job as parents to educate and protect them from the indoctrination they receive in their child hood. Learn the truth: I, like you have searched through all the patriot theories and after years of believing things from maritime vs. statuary law, all capital letters, the united states filed bankruptcy, straw men and so many more. I was introduced to Eric Whoru, he teaches fundamental basic natural principals. If you have never listened to him here is a link to archived shows he has done, he has not done a new show in months and is an old man I pray he is OK.
Thanks for the link, Thomas. I listened to a couple of his recent shows and they have a lot of great info. He’s 76, so yeah, I hope he’s still with us too. They don’t make guys like him anymore.
excellent article. thanks for putting this out!
The government uses scare tactics to control us because it knows how given to fear we Americans are. We are probably the most afraid and paranoid people on Earth. What we need to do is stop being afraid, not replace the fears the government plays upon with fear of the government itself. I like your blog, but you are using fear of the government as a motivation to action. You have valid points, but try to state them calmly and reasonably and without fearful exaggerations. What we need to do is STOP being afraid. Period.