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Michio Kaku, George Bush and the False Dichotomist agenda

Michio Kaku, George Bush and the False Dichotomist agendaWictionary.org defines a False Dichotomy as:

1. (logical fallacy) A situation in which two alternative points of views are presented as the only options, whereas others are available.

A famous example of a false dichotomy is what former U.S. President George Bush said soon after the September 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in NYC.

“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.” (to justify starting a war)

There were no other options presented to the world, even though many existed: A country could have remained neutral; a country may have preferred a less violent diplomatic solution; a country may have had evidence the attacks were a staged false flag attack, in which case they may want to refuse to side with the terrorists, etc.

In any case, false dichotomies and other fallacious arguments are deception tools used by one side to trick the other side into thinking the argument is valid when it is not.

In the following video, renowned Theoretical Physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku, an outspoken proponent of one world government, outlines the differences between Type-1, 2 and 3 civilizations, and explains how our own civilization is currently beginning it’s transition from Type-0 to Type-1. He mentions how the elites are already prepared for this transition and how he feels privileged to be a part of it.

But at the point where I’ve programmed the video to start, his demeanour changes ever-so-slightly to one of hostility as he begins talking about the people who are resisting the transition and even calls them terrorists. Watch and see, then continue reading below the video player.

In case the video embed doesn’t work, you can watch the video at this link. I’ve also transcribed the interesting part below:

… and so this transition is probably the most important transition of all time. Some people don’t want it. They fear this transition because this transition is to a planetary civilization tolerant of many cultures. These are the terrorists. They in their gut they fear this because they know they are witnessing the birth pangs of the beginning of a new planetary civilization, and the terrorists want nothing to do with it.

What Dr. Kaku said in the video is a false dichotomy in that it only gives two options: 1. Go along with the transition, or 2. you’re a terrorist if you want nothing to do with it. There are many options, a few of which could be: They could allow the transition to progress in a way that includes the resistent groups. They could modify their plans in such a way that the resisters are free to determine their own future without pressure. Or, maybe the transition is being forced to quickly and the rest of the world simply isn’t as ready as the elites are to accept it.

But his rigid false dichotomy is a lot more sinister when you look beneath the surface for a more clear understanding of his message. Before I point out why, we need to define what terrorists really are and what terrorism means within the context of what Dr. Kaku is talking about in the video.


1. A person, group, or organization that uses violent action, or the threat of violent action, to further political goals; frequently in an attempt to coerce either a more powerful opponent, (such as a citizen or group targeting a government), or conversely, a weaker opponent, (such as a government, or even an internal citizen or group, being targeted by a larger government).


3. A psychological strategy of war for gaining political or religious ends by deliberately creating a climate of fear among the population of a state.

In his video above, Dr. Kaku outlines a scenario for world government, world economy, a world language, culture and world communication. That’s an extremely powerful political force with vast resources at their disposal. Then he says that people who are scared and resistant to the transition are terrorists. This is a glaring contradiction. According to the definitions of terrorism above, as well as just about any other modern definitions, it’s the victims of terrorists and terrorism who are scared or terrified. They are the injured parties; the corpus delicti. He’s calling the victims terrorists.

He also says that “They fear this transition because this transition is to a planetary civilization tolerant of many cultures. These are the terrorists.” But he’s very specific in choosing his words. The two sentences infer that the people are resistant because they are not tolerant of many cultures, thus they are terrorists. I guess this planetary civilization he is talking about is not tolerant of cultures that are terrified by it.

Michio Kaku’s statement made in the video are disingenuous at best. At worst, they are, in and of themselves, terrorist threats against anyone who does not willfully or passively accept this new planetary civilization.

It’s done this way to enter into the public record a new definition of terrorism. This, along with the fact that many nations around the globe are writing and passing new legislation to “move the goalposts” and codify into law the new parameters of terrorism, as well as what they are legally entitling themselves to do about it, creates an enemy that one day in the future may need to be fought and forced to comply or die.

Is it any wonder a lot of people, and in some cases entire nations are resisting?

By Paul Short on 12/07/2012

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