
Here’s How To Thwart Unlawful & Unconstitutional Legislation

Here's How To Thwart Unlawful & Unconstitutional LegislationUnder the guise of national security, which citizens think means protecting them, the U.S. Congress and it’s lawmakers are trying to push through legislation that makes it illegal for journalists to publish stories about government corruption.

Folks, this has nothing to do with national security. It has everything to do with the U.S. government protecting itself by hiding information about it’s own unlawful activities from the very people it governs. This is a perfect example of how governments “legalise things“, or take control of things through legislation so that they get to make up any rules or conditions, how to enforce those rules (aka: force them down your throat), and how to punish you if you don’t comply.

In the following video from RT (Russia Today), they discuss this matter from a journalists point of view. Even though the interviewee is not very articulate in establishing his stance, he brings up a few good points. (More below…)

Now, here comes the important part.

You may be shocked when you read this, but the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights was not formulated for the American people. It was written as a guide for governing bodies that basically says “this is how the American people are to be treated and if you don’t respect that, you’re f**ked.

So how is it that freedom of speech and freedom of the press has been trampled on by the U.S. government? That question can be answered in two words:

Manufactured consent.

That’s right, the American people have consented to be governed by these psychopaths, so the lawmakers presume that they consented to everything.

How do you stop them from trampling all over you? Withdraw your consent. Be vigilant. Watch for anything they do that may abridge your rights and nip it in the bud. If the government is allowed to codify this into law, YOU’RE, fu**ed, because you’d have to go to court, their battlefield, their jurisdiction where they get to make the rules and you ain’t gonna win.

Oppose this bill by collecting names of others on real paper petitions. Then have the papers notarized and delivered to your congressman by sheriffs. Oh, and with each envelope of petitions, include a copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, both notarized and signed by at least one other person to remind the government of their duties and obligations to the American people.

The above procedure establishes the fact that the American people oppose what the government is doing. And in the government’s legal system that operates on presumptions and manufactured consent, establishing something as fact is like driving a wooden stake through the heart of a vampire. It stops them dead in their tracks.

Phone calls are not as effective because they can deny ever receiving them. Protests on the streets are considered terrorism and will likely get you beaten to within an inch of your life. Internet polls are useless because the data can be altered, conveniently erased or denied. The above method cannot be denied because it has been recognized by a notary, a government official, and the sheriff is the most powerful witness you can have that they received the papers. These people are all there for you to use. Use them.

Oh, I’d like to remind you that I’m not a lawyer and the above is not legal advice. I’d never stoop so low as to practice their evil craft.

By Paul Short on 14/07/2012

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