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Since Vialls work was so similar to mine, it will be archived here. Like Fukushima, Indonesia was swamped by a nuclear tsunami. I suspected Vialls would not live to post the second part of this report. He did not
Gordon Duff, of Veteran's Today posts ridiculously impossible and technically flawed report about "micro nukes"Why am I posting this? Because irresponsible journalism will sabotage 911 truth. If you want to know why 911 reality has not taken off and crashed a majority of Americans in the head, take a look at this report by Gordon Duff. Such ridiculous drivel will instantly be rejected by ANYONE with ANY knowledge at all with regard to the subject at hand, and will lump the 9-11 truthers who are rooted in real science with the wackos. It's a brilliantly written report SIR DUFF, and because it is a little bit technical and so well worded it will bamboozle many people and spread like wildfire, only to be laughed at and ridiculed by intelligentsia, the segment of society that really can make a difference. And now it's time to put a band aid on an information woundKeep in mind that Gordon Duff actually published this as an "Intel disclosure"!!!
First, an excerpt from the report,"According to government nuclear weapons designers, this is the size of a typical thermonuclear weapon available after 1991, shown in representative size only as a popular consumer soft drink:
Such weapons have existed for over 20 years, multiples of which were deployed on “ground zero” on 9/11 and have been used repeatedly as “very large conventional munitions” in Afghanistan and Iraq. Radiation is only 3% of that of a normal weapon, undetectable by Geiger counter, unable to penetrate skin, with a half-life of under 48 hours but fatal if irradiated materials are ingested. Temperatures reach over 1 million degrees Fahrenheit and structural steel, concrete, human bodies or anything within 1-300 yards of “ground zero” is vaporized. What goes on inside the coke can is described thusly: Abstract A consistent conventional theoretical description is presented for anomalous low energy deuterium nuclear fusion in micro/nano-scale metal grains and particles. The theory is based on the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) state occupied by deuterons trapped in a micro/nano-scale metal grain or particle. The theory is capable of explaining most of the experimentally observed results and also provides theoretical predictions. Experimental tests of theoretical predictions are proposed. Scalabilities of the observed effects are discussed based on theoretical predictions." My comment: Sounds great, . . . . . . .now let me shred this These are the nuclear materials he claims are used: "a small amount of uranium or plutonium, no larger than a coin, a supply of deuterium, tritium" He states the weapons design uses URANIUM or PLUTONIUM, yet claims the materials have a 48 hour half life. Yet reality puts the half life of even the most radiologically active form of uranium at tens of thousands of years which is a LOT longer than the 48 hours he claims. Tritium has a half life of years, thus making his "half-life of under 48 hours" a technical impossibility. Gordon, For your information SIR, Micro nukes use Americium or Californium, NOT Uranium or Plutonium! Wrong on that one SIR! When he states : "Radiation is only 3% of that of a normal weapon, undetectable by Geiger counter, unable to penetrate skin, but fatal if irradiated materials are ingested" he is giving a description of Beta and Alpha radiation which are unsuitable for any type of weapons type nuclear reaction, and is proven double flatulent by the fact that both Uranium AND Plutonium produce ionizing radiation, which is detectable by the cheapest out of calibration Geiger counter, and he POUNDS the error home by following up with the statement it's only dangerous if ingested, which definitively pegs him as saying Uranium and Plutonium do not emit ionizing radiation; they are beta and alpha only; ya know. And he can't back out and say "depleted Uranium" which is a beta and alpha emitter because he states "plutonium" which has no non-ionizing form; He then goes on to state : "Temperatures reach over 1 million degrees Fahrenheit and structural steel, concrete, human bodies or anything within 1-300 yards of “ground zero” is vaporized." Why is this BS? BECAUSE a 48 hour half life means half the total thermal potential of the nuclear material (as well as radiological potential) is gone in under 48 hours. Structural steel vaporized at up to 300 yards? That's a lot of heat potential, and to have HALF of that get released within a device the size of a coke can in only 48 hours means that it will melt itself almost instantly. Forget everything else, decay heat makes a coke can size device with such a short half life material IMPOSSIBLE. "Radiation is only 3% of a normal weapon, undetectable by geiger counter" is pure BS, with a half life of only 48 hours radiation will be EXTREME, and it has to be ionizing radiation (which is easy to detect) or it won't trigger a nuclear weapons style chain reaction.
And now, the slam dunk!Gordon stated: "The theory is based on the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) state occupied by deuterons trapped in a micro/nano-scale metal grain or particle. The theory is capable of explaining most of the experimentally observed results and also provides theoretical predictions. Experimental tests of theoretical predictions are proposed. Scalabilities of the observed effects are discussed based on theoretical predictions."Now THAT sounds REALLY COOL, does it not? Want to know where that statement came from? Fleischmann and Pons, with their COLD FUSION!!!! It sounds cool, but does not apply to Nukes AT ALL!!! The errors are so extreme they make me wonder if this is a clandestine attempt to undermine the 911 truth movement, in fact all truth including the Fukushima report, where I state that a large device had to be used to conceal the decay heat. You can't EVER put a nuke in a coke can no matter WHAT the form; the size limits are more on the order of a coffee can. Veterans Today has an enormous readership that posts everywhere thus making Duff's report PURE DAMAGE to truth.
And now, for some factsThere are some cases where technology will NEVER overcome the laws of physics, we are NOT talking the latest "Ipod" when it comes to nukes!Micro nukes are short lived devices that have to be MADE TO ORDER, the same way medical isotopes are made to order, and if you exceed even 1/2 of one half life of time from day of manufacture to day of use, the nuclear material will decay to other forms and will no longer be be pure enough to trigger a suitable chain reaction, which with a 48 hour half life according to Gordon Duff would have given them ONE DAY to both build the bomb and plant it at the wtc. Not plausible either, even IF it would not have melted itself from having decay heat cause the device to be at thousands of degrees to satisfy the claimed "48 hour" half life in a coke can. THAT would have made it a real challenge to handle.Gordon, if you don't know when a topic is over your head, GET OUT of the business.
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