I took these flower photos on April 1 2007, I just decided on that day to do a decent job getting flower pics.
You are welcome to print these, especially for homework (at any level) and if you need the high res versions for any reason ask and I just might send it. Just don't use these in publications or re-post them on the web, this is my livelihood and I need sole use of my images for commercial purposes.
I am not a botanist, and did not know the correct names of many of the flowers.
cherry blossoms
white and yellow daffodil
dandilion, look at the flower structure!
red flowers
red flowers, don't know what though.
nice shot of stamen
cherry blossoms.
flowers and berries
nice looking pink flower
artistic shot of open and closed pink flowers
I don't like these flowers, but photographed them anyway
another shot of the flowers I don't like
unknown red flowers
I thought this flower was interesting. Don't know what it is though.
Another shot of one that was closed
This one is different. I could have processed it better though, and will later
This flower picture was taken at full macro telephoto (300mm). I like it.
This one was taken the same way. I could not go into the guy's yard and let the lens go there for me.
purple flowers, maybe pansies
I don't like this red flower, but obviously someone does!
I could have sworn I heard this little daisy looking flower ask to be photographed!
These purple flowers were on wild bushes in the woods.
Pink flowers, these are everywhere in Vancouver.
These flowers appeared to be on a giant rose bush, but they are not roses.
Here is a close-up of one of them
These purple flowers are the same as the pink ones, and from a different view
These flowers look like little blue bells
little white flowers
little purple flowers
close up of little purple flowers
A large patch of Bob Minor Daffodils
Yellow daisy looking flowers
little flower bush
A far away shot of little white flowers
purple and yellow flowers
I like this one. They die quick though, dead ones were everywhere.
another perspective on the previous flower
blossom buds
face on look at previous bud in full blossom.
red flowers on a little rhubarb looking plant
different red flowers
white phyllodoce
I photographed these at iso 1600 because the wind was making them vibrate and I had to freeze them in place.
narcissus bob minor daffodil
white and orange daffodil
narcissus woodland star
Pansy, wittrokiana forerunner series
purple phyllodoce
Pieris Japonica
Pieris Japonica, white cascade
closeup of cherry blossoms
Primula joker series
Primula prominent
Yellow primula prominent
Rhododendron ptarmigan
Rhododendron souleli
this might be a Tulipa Turkestanica, don't take my word for it though!
white cherry blossoms
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